Electives Evaluations

AFMC has created a standard online elective evaluation form that will be launched soon. These will be sent to you automatically after each visiting elective. The purpose of this evaluation is to provide visiting elective experience feedback to the host school so that quality improvements can be implemented where necessary to ensure students meet their educational objectives and career exploration goals. Further, this is now an accreditation requirement for schools to obtain student feedback for visiting elective experiences.

The students’ identity will be kept anonymous with no student ID or personal information provided to the host school. The host school will be able to view the evaluation results of each elective only after a minimum of 5 students from 2 different schools have completed the evaluation for that elective.

Any “red flags” (mistreatment, safety concerns, unprofessionalism) noted in the evaluation by the student will immediately alert the student’s home school for follow up. The home school will contact the student to obtain more information and to provide support. The host school will NOT be contacted by the home school until a discussion has been had with the student and a consent is obtained.

Although this evaluation is optional, your input is essential in the quality improvement process so that the elective experience for future students is optimized. Thank you for your time and participation in completing this evaluation.

January 7th, 2022

Portal and Visiting Electives update

The AFMC Student Portal for visiting electives is currently closed. Visiting Electives for the Class of 2022 were suspended during the AFMC Board meeting on April 18, 2021. That includes electives for both Canadian and International students. The Undergraduate Deans of Canada’s medical schools are meeting on a regular basis and the decision to re-open the Portal will be made collaboratively and consistently across the country taking into account learning opportunities, provincial covid restrictions and other public health concerns.

We are working with our new Service Provider to build out the new visiting elective service portal. It will be ready when electives are offered again.

December 21, 2021

Portal Home page Upgrade

The AFMC Student Portal will be offline starting December 23, 2021. The refreshed portal will being rolling out in late February 2022.

For MCAT® Fee Assistance Program Applicants please verify eligibility and submit application through our AFMC website.

We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience.

If you have any questions, please contact the Help Desk at service@afmcstudentportal.ca