Electives Evaluations
AFMC has created a standard online elective evaluation form that will be launched soon. These will be sent to you automatically after each visiting elective. The purpose of this evaluation is to provide visiting elective experience feedback to the host school so that quality improvements can be implemented where necessary to ensure students meet their […]
Amendment to the rules for visiting electives
In April 2023, the AFMC Board of Directors approved the recommendation from the AFMC Committee on UGME that starting in the Fall of 2023the following rules apply to visiting electives: These are an amendment to the rules approved in June 2022. The undergraduate programs are aware that there is currently limited capacity for visiting electives […]
MD program at the University of Toronto
The University of Toronto will be holding a second round of lottery for international students to receive applications for electives, with placements beginning in April 2023. Note: Specialties available for placements for visiting electives in April to June, 2023 are limited to: Emergency Medicine Family and Community medicine General Internal Medicine Pediatrics General Surgery Psychiatry […]
International Visiting electives for the class of 2024
At the AFMC Undergrad Deans Network meeting on May 4, 2022, the UGME deans approved a recommendation to postpone accepting International students for visiting electives to at least January 2023.